books scaled

Why General Knowledge is important for kids

Today, general knowledge plays an essential role in defining one's growth and success. No matter what we choose to do in life, the key is to learn and gain more knowledge in different fields. One needs to go beyond academics to excel in other areas. A kid's achievement depends on how much he or she is getting from the surroundings. General knowledge opens different avenues for one's seeking. It develops students' social, sensitive, reasoning, and analytical thinking skills. It forms an identity right from a tender stage, which only helps them build their perspective about the world.

General Knowledge classes for kids
General Knowledge classes for kids

About KidzWiki

This is a new course aimed at enhancing general knowledge and analytical reasoning skill of school going students, so that they are well prepared for appearing competitive exams. Following are the main features of this course

Course content

This course covers following areas for enhancing general knowledge of the students


General Knowledge classes for kids to improve general awareness of your children

In today’s world, general knowledge is necessary for your child’s growth and success. As the world is becoming highly competitive day by day, it is essential that your children stay up to date with the happenings around the globe. Enrol your child for our General Knowledge and Analytical Reasoning course KidzWiki and expose them to thousands of information around the globe by reading books and practicing online quizzes.

Enroll your child in our General Knowledge classes for kids

As a parent, you require to ensure that your child is absorbing good things and getting the exact direction. General knowledge plays a massive role in the holistic development of your kid.

We offer general Knowledge classes for kids that help children to acquire knowledge.  A child is like a sponge who is keen to soak all the provided information. Learning about current affairs regarding events happening or trends that are presently going on may be useful in daily life.

Our General Knowledge classes for kids help to become confident

Our General Knowledge classes for kids will guide and help them acquire knowledge as well as information about what is happening around the world.

Having general knowledge makes children more confident. Gaining knowledge is a continuous and lifelong approach, and as one becomes more familiar with various kinds of knowledge, it increases self-esteem in children. Grab this perfect opportunity by enrolling your child in our general knowledge classes.

Prepare kids for competitive examination

In the today’s competitive world, every parent must ensure to prepare kids for competitive examination. General knowledge and analytical reasoning are the main areas from which questions.


  1.  A kit with two books
  2. Unlimited access to online quizzes
  3. Free GK master classes
  4. Optional weekly classes (paid)
  5. Free participation in International KidzWiki Champ competition

Register here for General Knowledge competition

Prizes for KidzWiki Champ



International rank certificate for all participants and winners



Aristo Kids customized premium quality medals for best performers


What is the best way to learn general knowledge?
These days kids are addicted to electronic gadgets like smart phone, tablet, etc. where they like to spend their time watching social media video clips which does not help them anyway. The best way for parents to engage their kids in developing General Knowledge and Analytical Reasoning skills. Do refer to a such course KidzWiki which helps students improve their General Knowledge and Analytical Reasoning skills. Refer company website of Aristo Kids for more details.
How can I improve my General Knowledge?

The best way to improve General Knowledge is to watch television and newspaper and read various news articles on social media platforms. However, kids will do everything else but not something which will help them to improve their general knowledge.

Therefore, the best way for parents to engage their kids in developing General Knowledge and Analytical Reasoning skills is to engage them in a course which improves their general knowledge . Do refer to a such course KidzWiki which helps students improve their General Knowledge and Analytical Reasoning skills. Refer company website of Aristo Kids for more details.

Which is the best website for General knowledge?
The are many websites available which share knowledge in bits and pieces. However, if a child wants to improve his/her general knowledge, the best way to buy books and read them. Refer to a course KidzWiki which helps students improve their General Knowledge and Analytical Reasoning skills. Refer company website of Aristo Kids for more details.
How do you give basic knowledge to children?

Knowledge has no limits, few things kids learn in school, with their friends, from social media. The best way to improve overall knowledge for children is to read books of their interest and enhance their knowledge in that area. There should be many courses too available which help children to enhance their knowledge.

How can I register for KidzWiki competition?

There is a Register button available on this page above, just click on it and fill-up the form.  OR you can scan QR code available at the backside of first kidzwiki book. If scanner app is not available on your mobile phone, install the same from play store. 

When will masterclasses be available?

The online masterclasses will be available from March 2022 onwards. We will inform all the registered students on email about the same. 

When will online mock tests be available?

The online mock tests have already started, you can login to portal QuizByte portal and access mock tests.

The mock tests will be released in phased manner and same will be available until the final KidzWiki competition in December, so that the students who are registering late can also attempt previously released mock tests.

How many attempts will I get for mock test?

There will be a limit to attempt each mock test for maximum 50 times, we may reduce this limit if we experience extreme load on the system.

When will be the yearly competition held?

The competition will be help every year in the month of December for. All registered students will be informed separately with all the details.

What will be the syllabus for yearly competition?

All the questions in competition will be from books or online mock tests, however the questions may be rephrased.

Will there be a same question paper for KidzWiKi competition for all age students?

We haven’t decided yet. However the prizes will be separate based on age category.

How many times can I participate for KidzWiKi competition?

One registration, one participation. If you wish to participate again, a separate registration fee will apply. You can write in year 2023 at for more details on only registration process.